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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Frankie Tells Cody and Caleb to "Double Team" Victoria and Take Both Her Virginities in 1 Night

This afternoon, just before th PoV Competition began, some extremely unfortunate statements were made regarding Victoria.. It's been an hour since it happened, and I'm only now seeing clearly enough through the steam that's been emanating from my head to even transcribe it.

Initially, all I heard was the statement from Frankie, "I think you both should double team her. I think you should take ALL of her virginities in one night."  That was enough..

On 2nd review, as you'll see, it was Christine that brought up the topic, albeit somewhat innocently enough..  then Frankie made his horrific comment.. followed by Caleb's callousness, Cody's disgust and Derrick's concealed disgust, masked as seeing this through her father's eyes.. 

Read for yourself.

Camera 3 and 4
Rock Room
Frankie, Derrick, Cody, Christine, Caleb

Cody: So wait.. we have 10 beers, 2 bottles of wine. 
Caleb: That calls for a good night.
Cody: Well, how many of us are drinking?
Christine: Definitely you and Caleb.
Caleb: Me and you, and Victoria.
Cody: Wowwwww
Christine: It's gonna be a good night.
Caleb: Turnt up.

Christine: Please don't make love to Victoria tonight.  You know she gets very feisty.  You're gonna be drunk.
Cody: I don't have..

Frankie: I think you both should double team her.
Caleb: We would ruin her.
Frankie: Take her..
Caleb: There would be blood all over the place.
Cody: hohoho
Frankie:  I think you should take ALL of her virginities in one night.
Cody: Oh no.  That is foul.
Caleb: hehe
Cody: Oh, that is so f'd up.
Derrick: Her father right now is watching, and literally cringing.  I don't even know what I would do.  I'd definitely break the computer.

Frankie: If you guys go..
Derrick: I'd break the computer and instantly regret it.  I'd be like, dammit! Why'd I just do that?
Frankie: His beer goggles and me in full drag?

And so on...



Blogger cynthia said...

hey, Carolyn, everyone!

i guess there's not much rest for the Queen of Dishers! you had 4 posts yesterday, and 3 today, so far!

i hope the BB gods will shine their light on Nicole and Victoria in this POV. for Nicole so she can save herself; Victoria so she can stick it to Frankie and Christine.

i know i said early on that i really like these group of HGs. but that has changed since their numbers started dwindling down. i know it's gonna get cutthroat as they get closer to the end. but sometimes the way they put someone down is so brutal, and just plain mean. and yes, i'm looking at you, Frankie with Christine and Cody behind him. Derrick? he says something to blend in while Caleb - is just being Caleb.

i don't think Frankie has ever liked Nicole. he may even be a little jealous of her because i remember him making a comment early on to the boys (Hayden, Cody and Zach) that he doesn't get what they see in her because they all have a little crush on her.

as much as i love Nicole, i don't see her going any further. i'm not a big Derrick fan but at this point, he is the most deserving to win the 500K with the way he played the game and each one of them.

Frankie on the other hand, is the most deserving of whatever it is he's getting right now and whatever else will come his way when all these are over. the “media mogul” will probably have to disable the comments sections of all his social media accounts. just sayin'...

August 30, 2014 at 3:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

He is a disgusting PIG and getting more bold and vile every single day. I truly LOATHE HIM

August 30, 2014 at 4:05 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

And so on was vile too. This is extremely disturbing. Regardless of his words, daddy Derrick was locker room laughing too. I am disgusted with the lot of them. Shameful. My heart breaks for her and her family.

August 30, 2014 at 4:08 PM  
Blogger Jaznotes said...

That is verbal assault - he should be immediately removed from the game. So disgusted.

August 30, 2014 at 4:10 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

I can't even post what I would like to say.

August 30, 2014 at 4:10 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

I can't even post what I would like to say.

August 30, 2014 at 4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frankie is disgusting.

August 30, 2014 at 4:11 PM  
Blogger My Name Is Pam said...

I can't wait for Frankie to come out of that house and see just how much he is hated by America! He's blaming everyone but himself. His true self is showing now. He's mean and egotistical! I'm praying that Derrick, Cody and Caleb take him out before Nicole, Christine and Victoria. Backdoor him this week! I hope they realize how bad this looks to America...They have to realize this?????

August 30, 2014 at 4:16 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


August 30, 2014 at 4:19 PM  
Blogger Tam said...

I have no words.

August 30, 2014 at 4:23 PM  
Blogger Yasmin said...

OH Carolyn!!!

I feel your pain thru your finger tips as you type this rubbish!

During the work day I sneak outside to get my BBDISH updates and today I was stunned.

It is not the first time Frankie has digressed in his comments.
The first that I recall is the statement that lesbians Choose later in life their preference but that gays are born with it.
And now??? Double teaming Victoria's virginity?

I think her father would break more than a computer hearing that!

I thought we put last year behind us , only for Frankie to bring the ugly back…..

August 30, 2014 at 4:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi everyone, I'm new to the comments. I usually read the updates and other comments, but I couldn't pass up how disgusted i was when i read the comment about Frankitch. As a violent home invasion/rape victim if Vic was my child i would have an arrest warrant waiting for Frank when he walked out those doors. Any type of abuse physical/verbal is unexceptable....period! I'm sure CBS will do nothing about this which makes them just as wrong.

August 30, 2014 at 4:27 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

Frankie is disgusting. What if he said this to a couple of his followers on a Saturday night outside the house? He would be an accomplance to rape.
I know this is a game, but I think that was a glimpse at his true colors. In what world is that part of a game??

August 30, 2014 at 4:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Frankie is absolutely vile and shame on everyone else for laughing. His true colors are showing more and more. His commentary over how annoyed he was that Caleb didn't immediately name Nicole a HN the way he would was heartless. She's still a human. Also, he never sleeps downstairs always in HoH. Are is downstairs beneath him? You'd think someone playing for charity in Africa would be a more humble, selfless, gentle soul...guess now.

August 30, 2014 at 4:33 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

Any chance BB will take away the beer and wine after the comments?

August 30, 2014 at 4:35 PM  
Blogger littlewalton said...


August 30, 2014 at 4:40 PM  
Blogger Grendon said...

Unfortunately they would never remove someone for that. In season 8, Eric made vile comments about Dick and Dani (who happen to be father and daughter) having sex with each other in the HOH room.

Two years ago, Boogie went on a rant when he was nominated and said that if he was evicted he would go to Dan's home town and 'F..k' Dan's wife and Dan would be stuck in the BB house and wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

August 30, 2014 at 4:44 PM  
Blogger Yasmin said...

I just watched the FB!

Seeing it! ….

Frankie, Christina, Caleb and Derrick!…..ALL of you have disrespected Victoria, her family …yourself and Your family!…

Derrick what if was your daughter they were talking about?
Oh and you Cody how about your sister?
Frankie? You are surrounded by strong woman..

Bottom line..What if this was one of your own?
better yet …it's not! Now what!
Stand up! respect yourself and those being disrespected …..

NO…I mean verbally violated!!!

August 30, 2014 at 4:51 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

I think the only way they would kick someone out is if they physically harm them... Though I remember zach making a comment that if he did something that made someone self evict he could get in trouble. Not sure what kind of trouble it would be.

Frankie is just disgusting. Seeing as they were playing along with it, no one involved will care and use it against him to getting him out... Unless it's going in Derricks little bag of tricks.

August 30, 2014 at 4:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ok I think I am calm enough to post now. Frankie in my opinion should be off the show. He went way beyond any moral ethical and should be legal boundaries'. CBS needs to step up those who have been sexually abused and in domestic abuse situations. Frankie Grande you are 10X more vile the Aryn. The rest of the "boys" are also disgusting and should accept responsibility to what they said and not stopping the assault. Derrick does not deserve to be law enforcer, will he have a job when he is released??

August 30, 2014 at 4:57 PM  
Blogger littlewalton said...

NONE of those even COMES CLOSE to agging two men to get a female drunk and RAPE her inside of the house.

HUGE differences. HUGE.

August 30, 2014 at 5:05 PM  
Blogger sistershare said...

Frankie is more than vile and disgusting, but no doubt still CBS's golden boy. How would he feel if he was on the outside and his sister was a houseguest and someone said that about her. It not only shows his ignorance, and lack of compassion for others, but also his utter disrespect for anyone other than himself. I hope his so-called followers and fans completely abandon him. I wonder how proud his family is of him now? As for the others who didn't put him in his place, shame on you. I hope you are very proud of yourselves. But Derrick who is a policeman and at least pretend friend of Victoria, I hold the second most disgust for. He should hold himself to a higher standard as a law enforcer and a father of a little girl. Great example you are setting in both areas, Derrick.

August 30, 2014 at 5:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree that while this was vile, and I am so not a fan of Frankie, there have been much worse things said (pointing at you, BB15 cast) without any major game consequences. His biggest consequence will be when he realizes how much America dislikes him (although he may rationalize that somehow) since his ego is his biggest possession, IMHO. Go Nicole!!!

August 30, 2014 at 5:12 PM  
Blogger littlewalton said...

I think that CBS needs to take control of their own "game" and do FAR MORE than take away the beer and the wine.
NO ONE ON EARTH has the right to EVEN suggest something SO VILE!!


I thought Amanda least season was so BEYOND DISGUSTING. She was a pinch short of a freaking pedophile, herself. And, PHYSICALLY JUST NASTY.

One CANNOT wash away the NASTY of the suggestions brought up by Christine AND Frankie.


August 30, 2014 at 5:16 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think after that, I can hardly even watch this season anymore.
Rape and sexual assault is nothing to joke about. I know way too many women, myself included, who have had an experience with sexual assault.
No one should even joke about doing those things to someone. It's wrong on every level.

I can't believe they let him talk like that. I guess I can, though, considering last season. I just wish they would actually show this stuff on TV (but they won't because they're banking on Ariana and her fans to start watching BB and up the ratings), so the TV only crowd can truly see how disgusting he is, and how you can't just get away with saying those things.

August 30, 2014 at 5:17 PM  
Blogger grappler62 said...

hello dishers,as a father who has had a daughter raped,what frankie said is beyond trash,how would frankie like it if that happened to his sister,i,m sure he would be the 1st one running to the police to have the perpetrators arrested and prosecuted,this [i can,t all him human]is a disgusting vile piece of trash,and needs to be expelled from the show immediately,this is nicest thing i can say about him,anything else would be censored.

August 30, 2014 at 5:26 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

This is one of my first times commenting, but I have been reading your blog for many years now nonstop. I have to say a few things...

1.) myself and about 5 other people at my work watch Big Brother, I am the only one that reads the blogs and knows the unedited version. I have to say. I am so upset with the fact that CBS is editing a lot of the comments Frankie has been making out of the shows. They make him seem like a great funny guy when he isn't. I will admit, in the beginning, I was a Frankie fan, but as time has gone by, and specifically once he revealed who his sister was to the house, he has gotten to the point it makes me sick to think someone like that could win $500k. As I said, my coworkers are also fans, but only watch the show when it airs. Every single one of them LOVE Frankie and think he is the greatest player and should win it all. I have even asked them if they think he is rude or arrogant, and they all say no. It's unreal how different their views are.

2.) what Frankie said tonight is going too far and shame on everyone else in the room for not standing up for Victoria.

3.) I love Nicole and Derrick. I think they are both great. And honestly I would be happy with Nicole, Derrick, Caleb, or Victoria winning the entire thing. I wish Nicole would be here longer, but only time will tell. There's a lot of game to play before Thursday.

Thank you for staying up night after night and continuously watching the live feeds. I don't know what I would do without your blog.

August 30, 2014 at 5:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I strongly believe at a minimum they should take away the alcohol, and strongly reprimand them in DR. I hope that happens, whether we find out about it or not. Ideally, he should be expelled from the game. But, there is probably a 99% chance that won't happen or even be threatened to him.

Frankie is disgusting, and getting moreso with each passing day. I think he was hiding his true colors in the beginning, but it's really starting to show now.

August 30, 2014 at 5:55 PM  
Blogger littlewalton said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

August 30, 2014 at 6:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Nothing surprises me that comes out of Frankie's mouth or Christine's for that matter. However I am extremely disappointed in Derrick's response. Although in reading what he said it looked like he was objecting in watching it he was laughing while he said it. Where did the Derrick go who defended Victoria against Zach? He is a Dad and a cop I expected more from him.

August 30, 2014 at 6:29 PM  
Blogger littlewalton said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

August 30, 2014 at 6:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow... that's really upsetting & disgusting that Frankie would say such a thing... tsk tsk tsk... I hope his sister chews him out for it...

August 30, 2014 at 6:58 PM  
Blogger Lulu (aka Stefanie) said...

This convo was NOT ok! but the word rape is being thrown around and I'm not so sure that's what was being implied. Just based on this convo (I have to watch in fb when I get home). I'm not trying to defend a vile conversation, but I think it was more about a 3-some, if they all got drunk and she got feisty

August 30, 2014 at 8:03 PM  
Blogger Lulu (aka Stefanie) said...

Still doesn't make it ok, but maybe I just don't want to believe that they would all laugh about rape.

August 30, 2014 at 8:04 PM  
Blogger pixie said...

Reading Carolyn's post about the incident was bad enough but I just watched it and what's said after it with Frankie imitating the Zingbot is horrible!

August 30, 2014 at 8:41 PM  
Blogger Zinger said...

STUNNED & DISGUSTED. What in the actual f#@*!
Someone who I am extremely close with was raped & had her virginity stolen from her. I still have visions of her in the hospital ER in her blood-stained pants.
Frankie, Caleb, et al. should be required to volunteer at a Rape Crisis Center before they receive any prize money!

August 30, 2014 at 9:40 PM  
Blogger littlewalton said...

I agree, Zinger!!!! Unfortunately, every comment I post reflecting that disappears.

August 30, 2014 at 10:43 PM  
Blogger littlewalton said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

August 30, 2014 at 10:47 PM  
Blogger littlewalton said...


August 30, 2014 at 10:48 PM  
Blogger MidwestMom said...

Frankie is instigating HARM to some one else!
As a person who wants to live in a society free of pain and suffering.

The rule is do no HARM to another person

How hard is that ?

August 30, 2014 at 11:26 PM  
Blogger MidwestMom said...

After 16 years of watching this social experience. People have yet to realize that the experiment has NOTHING to do with what is going on in the house and EVERYTHING to do with US.. Hoe we react and respond to society and other people.

I Rebuke frankie.

Victoria is protected and no harm will come to her. Big brother production better put a helmet on, because life is hard.

August 30, 2014 at 11:38 PM  
Blogger MidwestMom said...

I am so sorry that happened to your daughter, I could not ever understand the pain for her and your family... what Frankie said is not only repulsive, it is provoking a crime/harm against another person..

August 30, 2014 at 11:49 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

littlewalton - it's because of your propensity for all caps.. simple as that.

August 31, 2014 at 1:01 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Everyone -

Thank you for all of your comments on this subject. Along with you, I was disgusted and horrified... and hurt. :'(

For me, the only way I can even begin to continue to do what I do is to move on, clean slate style.

P.S. A couple of you are not seeing your comments published, and I apologize. The reasons are this -
1. Excessive use of ALL CAPS, while used for emphasis, actually feel like you're screaming, hysterical and nonsensical, and I don't want to portray you that way.
2. Giving out phone numbers and email addresses of anyone at CBS is not something I'll ever publish or condone. Nothing will come of it, except for some individual person getting harassed for something they had no control over and have no power to change.

August 31, 2014 at 1:14 AM  
Blogger littlewalton said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

August 31, 2014 at 1:26 AM  
Blogger Oldwoman_58 said...

Frankie is slime.

August 31, 2014 at 2:34 AM  
Blogger Kasey said...

I never cared for Frankie and my daughter's gay friend disliked him from the beginning too. Frankie has been disgusting from the start with his touchy feely with the guys, talking about oral, anal constantly and his disdain for all women except his family members. It was difficult at times to watch the feeds and then see so many people here and elsewhere riding on the frankie bandwagon. I rarely comment because I was never a fan of Frankie, which was an unpopular thing up to now. I hope Caleb takes this opportunity to backdoor Frankie, then maybe Frankie will see how it feels to be screwed by a real man. Jmo

August 31, 2014 at 7:02 AM  
Blogger Jumbo said...


First, I think he was joking. Second I didnt see the word RAPE anywhere in the convo

August 31, 2014 at 7:27 AM  
Blogger Jumbo said...

I didnt like Frankie day one. However this type of talk happens everday in every high school in America. It is what it is.

August 31, 2014 at 7:43 AM  
Blogger Zinger said...

Lulu, I encourage you to watch the full flashback or clip that is circulating and then read about the Steubenville, OH Football team players who raped a HS girl at a party. There's even a Dateline or 20/20 story about it.

August 31, 2014 at 7:51 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Have only read the title, but C'MON! (Not to you Carolyn *Muuah* and thank you for e'thing! Can't imagine how hard this was to post) Have not yet read post or comments yet, but felt great urge to comment first. You have GOT to be kidding me, wtf?! I guess "Frank DumbAss Grande" has decided since there is no more TA, his REAL selfie can come out now.
Also wanna watch it in history, first, for I am very intrigued now, I think/hope/pray that Mr. Grande has sealed his fate with Papa Derrick, at least I hope that's the case!!!!! >o( Better be the case!! >o(

August 31, 2014 at 10:23 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

August 31, 2014 at 10:30 AM  
Blogger Jumbo said...


I completely agree that at least from the transcript rape was never even implied

August 31, 2014 at 10:31 AM  
Blogger Linda said...

This is what it sounded like to me too.

August 31, 2014 at 1:34 PM  
Blogger littlewalton said...

Thank you, Zinger! Absolutely.

August 31, 2014 at 2:54 PM  
Blogger littlewalton said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

August 31, 2014 at 2:54 PM  
Blogger littlewalton said...

Sexually TAKING virginity from a woman by way of advantage IS RAPE.

August 31, 2014 at 2:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

CBS needs to address this!!!

August 31, 2014 at 2:57 PM  
Blogger LimitedFox said...

Mine too :(

August 31, 2014 at 5:16 PM  
Blogger Jumbo said...

Sex is sex. Virginity is a non-issue. If having sex with a woman who has been drinking is RAPE, every man in America would be in jail

August 31, 2014 at 5:18 PM  
Blogger LimitedFox said...

Did anyone else think that during Frankie's Zing Bot impression it sounded like he was saying "Rappp" or Rape?

August 31, 2014 at 5:19 PM  
Blogger littlewalton said...

Taking, and double teaming, are NOT consensual sex... And, referring to doing those to undermine a woman's personal virtue are heinous, at minimum.

Every woman who has a drink or goes into a bar isn't doing so to be sexually compromised and double teamed.

August 31, 2014 at 5:29 PM  
Blogger Jumbo said...



August 31, 2014 at 5:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

@Limited Fox, he was saying "Props". That is what the messed up Zing Bot was saying when he got there and they had to fix him, remember? Then after the comp he could "ZING!" them again.

I got physically ill watching it in the history today. I wrote a long pist, but deleted it.
Right now its too much for me.

♥Love and Peace, Dishers♥

August 31, 2014 at 7:04 PM  
Blogger Tiger said...

Jumbo...REALLY? So it is ok to be on TV and "imply" and "act out" forced rape of a young woman because it is talked about in every High School? Well, Franny is NOT in HS he is 30+ yrs old! I am sick of people saying the word RAPE was never said. So someone pointing a loaded gun at a policeman is not a threat to kill? Tell that to the policeman! The gun toting creep never said murder so the policeman is safe, right? NOT!

August 31, 2014 at 7:49 PM  

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